Paul’s Way – Paul Caiacob

Schooled in England, Paul learnt a lot from his father, Reg, about business, particularly retail. This early commercial education would stand him in good stead after he and his wife Elizabeth emigrated to Australia. Her mother, called Doll-doll, came with them, and none of them regretted the switch of hemispheres.

Mr Paul's Way

Paul Caiacob’s surname is interesting but commercial logic dictated that he call his various businesses “Mr Paul”. Much easier for clients and staff. An English migrant to Perth whose boyhood had been clouded by war and family disruption, he and his wife Elizabeth – who ran the Effie Crump Theatre in Perth for years – have much reason to be glad they swapped hemispheres in 1963.

Paul’s way, a long and winding road, includes travels in the Outback and in Europe, where he tracked down that distinctive surname in Switzerland. His creativity has produced sculptures that turn heads. For me as writer/editor, his evolving into a lively and colourful memoirist was a huge help in producing the life story.

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Paul Caiacob

Patrick Cornish 

Joanne West Cornish
 Patrick Cornish 

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