Our process of helping you record a life's journey

How we can help you record your story, history or that of someone else.    
Although most of our books are about people, some deal with subjects like sandalwood, historical events or places. Most are privately distributed and some are for sale in book stores. Whate​​ver your project plans, contacting us begins the process.   
The first step is to plan a meeting, either in person at our office or over the phone. This will determine the scope of the project and everyone’s wishes.   

If the text needs writing or editing, this is Patrick’s department. For any text you have written, you may need him to help you assess the quantity and quality of your words.    

  Meanwhile, collect any photos, documents or images you would like to include. If you have a good scanner, please scan them at 300dpi and save them as jpegs, not pdfs. As for captions, we need you to give the reader the “when, where and who” for each image. The selections of images may be expanded at any time.   

  When the text has been written and approved by you, the job moves to Jo, who will lay out the book.    

Once the book has been assembled and approved, it goes to the printer, who will produce a proof to approve,   correct or add to. The number of finished copies and the binding are up to the client

Here are some tips that can help with the process

            What is your book about and who will be the reader(s)?

Personal histories can be used to pass down knowledge and experiences, or preserve vital information. It's a story told from your perspective through a lifetime of memories you would want for your own posterity. It can become a historical resource for the future.
        Writing with a specific group in mind makes it easier to figure out how to tell the stories and how to hone the book's voice. You can work with any subject to satisfy a readership. Ask yourself: Is this book just for the person's close family and friends?                 

Resources for your book 

   Creating a biography involves planning and research. The storyline is usually structured in chronological order, so you can typically start by creating a timeline. Make a list of some of the most important events to be covered in the book and their key dates, such as:  
    Birthplace/date/parents/death date (if applies) 
    Major life milestones
    Personal/professional accomplishments
Review other biographical information and decide what supplementary information you'll need. 

This means such things as historical photographs, certificates, handwritten letters, newspaper clippings, maps and tables, photos of people, postcards and documents. Jewellery, watches, clothing or keepsakes can be photographed for you by us. 

Images of the subjects at different points in his or her life, as well as friends, relatives or pets. 

Please note that photos of poor quality can usually be improved greatly by us.